An ingenious rig to entice shy carp. What makes this rig so special? Carp on heavily fished waters are familiar with the fact that some baits will result in a hookprick when taken. These carp “play” with the bait.
They take it slowly and soon they feel the stretch of the bottom line. This one is sudden and fast.
That is not the case with the Bungy Rig. The bottom line stretches less suddenly (the elastic stretches along with it) and the moment the Armabraid stretches in the elastic, the hook point shoots inward. Too late! After taking the bait, it is difficult for a carp to lose the hook that is on this rig because the Bungy Elastic creates a lot of counter pressure on the hook point. This will cause the carp to panic and eventually run off with a blood run as a result.
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High quality rig, hooks seem to run a bit small
I purchased these rigs to use on a small river where the carp have a very shy bite. The rigs are well constructed and seem to increase the hookup ratio. I do find the hooks to run a bit smaller than my normal brand. I went with a size 6 and 8, and the 8 was quite small. Just an FYI if you are deciding on hook size.